Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day Special

Thank you my dear friends, relatives, and random Nepali people who have added me in FB– for an early morning reminder that your mothers are very special to you. 

It surely came as a shocker – a little more than reading the news that the state of Nepal had the guts to deport a White Canadian national over some petty tweets causing an absolute frenzy in the capital. I applaud the ego of our non-functioning government on trying to maintain the illusion of social harmony. What I fail to understand is why was this supposed IT scientist getting cozy and rosy with Nepali politics? We shall never know except the recent revelation that he’d been harassing and bullying anyone that didn’t agree with him, especially the female journalists of KTM. But we all do that anyway – so no biggie!

Back to the big day. I must tell you my dear friends, relatives, and random Nepali people who have added me in FB- you could have simply made your mothers feels special by calling her privately, but I am not judging you. In this era of social media, we can’t even verify if you took that healthy dump this morning unless you gave a subtle hint about it. No! No! No! I am not against the public professing of how much you love your mothers – I am actually amused how little some of you resemble your mothers, and how simple, elegant, and wonderful some of your mothers looked before she had you. Sorry for stating the obvious!

What I am particularly irked about right now are my siblings, who live several time zones ahead of me who have already plastered their social media pages with my mother’s pictures. So, I am overcome with guilt and remorse of not being a thoughtful son – yet again. It hasn’t helped that I have a bad hangover from yesterday’s festivities, the importance of which I have neither googled about nor found the necessity. Like any festivals- Nepali or foreign, it is all game as long as there are FREE drinks! I am that much Nepali – if nothing else. 

It did almost cross my mind that I should post one of her younger pictures and come up with some stellar quotes like you guys, which probably have now been exhausted. But then, you see, my mother isn’t all that special. For the past decade and more, all she asks me is “Can you cook anything?” “How do you wash your clothes?” and in recent times, like you all know, she reminds “It’s time to get hitched!” 

You see – these may seem petty things, but mothers remember. Before I made it to the USA, I didn’t know how peel potatoes. Hey! I am from KTM – we enjoyed the servitude of people, the very same people that Canadian national was advocating about. Good riddance I say. When I started my college and realized that I ACTUALLY NEEDED TO MAKE MY OWN FRIGGIN FOOD – I nearly collapsed. I knew how to make a fried egg and how to make rice – in a rice cooker. I used to mix them together as long as I possibly could. Over time, like all Nepali men become, I have become a virtuoso at cooking chicken and rice. But even then when I flaunt this to my mother, she simply laughs it off! 

So – long story short, what I am thinking doing today, in honoring my mother, is making a full-fledged Nepali meal (for myself) and finishing my laundry. Then I shall take all the pictures- of both my food and laundry and post it in my wall. Then I shall call my mother and remind her to bother my father from his perpetual slumber, so that he can open up the computer and show her the pictures I have taken in her honor. 

And if that doesn’t satisfy her, I shall tell her how I have found the most beautiful, charming, intelligent, buhari-like, girl that I have fallen in love with (The fact that I have never met the gal, and more importantly, that she doesn’t reciprocate is the part she doesn’t need to hear!). Because for my mother, and perhaps for all mothers, their children will always be the best and to everyone else that don’t reciprocate – their loss!

So, my dear friends, relatives, and random people in FB who have added me over the course of history- thank you for the early morning reminder on how special I am to my mother! 

Happy Mothers Day!

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