Sunday, August 2, 2015

Stress of Going Home

One sleepless night, out of the blue, I decided to go home. Yes, just like that- barring any occasion or any agenda. So, I jumped out of the bed, surfed the internet, bookmarked few online deals and sent a few inquiries to Nepali Travel Sites.Having never made such impromptu decisions before, I felt liberated and empowered in the middle of the night.
Little did I know it was to be short-lived. Early next morning, a Nepali travel agent called me with an unbelievable fare "Dai, this is a great deal. But if you don't book it right away, we cannot guarantee this fare tomorrow!" He bluffed with a threatening tone. I readily obliged with my credit card. That evening I found an online fare $100 lower. And that's that!
The following evening I broke the homecoming news to my parents over our usual Skype conversation. Instead of the joyous surprise,  they showed signs of grimace. "Did you lose your job? Did you get laid off?  Why do you want to come home at this time? Do you know there's a  bird flu scare? Do you know the airport has potholes?" I breathed in a long sigh and told them i just wanted to come home for a change. "But what is the occasion?"
It took nearly a week of convincing that everything was fine. Finally, reluctant smiles returned to their faces. Next up: shopping for the family. Easier said than done!
"Don't bring anything for anyone here. Don't spend your money on useless stuff" My mom started her usual cliched lecture "Just bring chocolates. We'll distribute that to everyone. Maybe a couple of t-shirts for your uncles. Few lipsticks and nail polish for your aunts. You know they always expect. Don't bring shades of brown and black like you did previously. They'll laugh at me if you bring those" Right on! I'll try my best I said.
"Mama, can you bring a laptop for me? My 8 year old nephew confided me one evening "Everyone in school has one." The kid is good. I did not want to be un-Mama like. So, I said I'll bring one if he shares with his sister. "No! No! No! No!" my 6 year old niece shouted from behind "We need two." I can't bring two laptops for you guys I retorted. "Why can't you?" she inquired "If people can ring 2 I-phones, 2 tablets, why can't you bring two laptops?" I shut up for good!
"Coool bro. We'll hang out " My only remaining friend in KTM replies to my online message. "But what's the occasion. Getting married?" No!
"Looking for a girl?" No!
"Dating? No! 
"Not to worry boss. you know how it works here: First date, then set, then off with the jet, then you can mate..hahaha" He showed his prowess strengthened through the rap battles he's been involved recently.
"how about first mate, then everything else can follow?" I quipped.
"Damn bro. you've become so American" 
I enjoyed that. I was about to call it a night, when I got a call from one of my cousins here.
"Bhai, I heard you're going to Nepal. Can you take some things?" Sure Dai! What do you have?"
"Not much Bhai! few cell phones. a laptop. few pairs of shoes. And a couple of coats. I'll bring  them  first thing tomorrow morning."

I stopped using the words like "empowered" and "liberated" to describe myself. Never, not again!

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