Friday, February 14, 2014

Politically Charged (november 2012)

 Politically Charged!

Neither the super-storm Sandy nor the north'easter was going to dampen my election fever this season. Even though I might never be eligible to vote in this country, or barely understand the difference between the congress and the senate  ( Shhh! for a long time I thought they were nicknames of  two parties..LOL), I watched the late night victory speech of my Homie in Chicago full with emotion and flurry of updates on my facebook and twitter account. I have never felt this close to a black dude since my days in college when I smoked together with my not-so-good-rapper-roommate. The fervor, as you might expect, was temporary. Obama disappointed me !

"Why?" you may ask! The beacon of unwavering support I and my Nepali brethren have provided: mobilizing our cousins and relatives in facebook, risking our job while fighting with our right-wing-nut-jobs colleagues at work, even pretending to share the amount of chores with our wives and gfs to be perceived that we treat them fairly at home have all gone to vain.I didn't want you to personally thank me, or sign that dream act at the podium. The least you could do was promise  to those of us, who have spent a decade in this country in between jobs ( community college and the gas station) to make ends meet and gulp down beer, also a path to some kind of haven. But Nada!

I also don't think he knows we have a global coalition of Nepalis behind his back. My cousins in Australia, my uncle in London, and my parents in Nepal were glued to their TV sets cheering for "Mr.-70%- of- world -loves- me". Unfortunately, my parents bore a droopy look. No no! They are OK with the 20 hour power cut they're expecting this winter season. They had been following the election in FOX News Network. Dangerous combo in Nepal. Soon, all the political pundits (aka all the Nepali friends/family) started to update the election in real time in more in-depth analysis than Wolf Blitzer at CNN. I am surprised how well informed our Nepali friends are. They know the background of each candidate:  their worldly views, their stand and possible stances, their social and religious views, even the names of their siblings, children, and  family pets.

I am tempted to think, how wonderful it would be, if we Nepalis were also as engaged at our own political process with the same fervor. Perhaps, we could make a difference then....

"Sabai CHOR Netaharoo!!!" Interrupts my dad unable to hold his beaming smile learning about Obama's insurmountable lead.

My freshman cousin in Wisconsin updates " Yay! for gay marriage, legal marijuana, and more women in politics!" I lip-synch her update and relay the information to my parents.

"Eh! aba US pani Nepal jastai bhayecha!" But I think my Mom is just relieved that Dashain is over. Or she thinks this automatically qualifies me to receive the permanent residency. Whatever the case, I console myself with her conjecture. So much for the election!

 At least we, the Nepalis, can now focus on the real issue at hand --What to do this Tihar? Taas anyone? perhaps a dance party at Queens? But for me, I have a more pressing concern --taking my recovering "Sandy" hit  Maiya to see "Skyfall" at the aftermath of North'easter!

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